Cracks in your swimming pool wall, garage floor, basement, or even on fountains can be stressful. These jagged lines can be symptoms of several issues, such as structural cracks. Here is a comparison of Torque Lock vs. other structural crack repair solutions.
Some people use methods like an epoxy injection for repair, but (we can’t stress this enough) using “glue” to fix structural cracks doesn’t work. Other methods only temporarily fix the cracks; soon enough, the cracks form again, longer and wider.
Torque Lock staples are the new revolution in structural crack repair. With Torque Lock Staples, you can permanently repair concrete cracks and fracture lines on your basement, driveway, foundation, and any other structure crack.
Here’s a comprehensive comparison of Torque Lock and other solutions to repair structural cracks.
What is Epoxy Injection?
Epoxy injection is a method of repairing non-moving cracks in concrete structures. The polyurethane foam material is injected into the cracks, which then hardens, sealing the cracks.
However, this method is no longer the preferred method of repairing structural cracks. For starters, you cannot force epoxy sealants deep into the crack, especially when you can’t see the other side of the wall, like in a swimming pool. As such, the sealants only form a patch over the crack, and water can easily seep in.
Other issues with using epoxy injection include:
- You can only use epoxy on completely dry cracks as it doesn’t bond well with wet concrete. If used on leaking cracks, water can create seepage channels in the new repair.
- Epoxy does not fix wide cracks, and on itself, it’s not strong enough to prevent a crack from widening
- Liquid epoxy can take hours to dry, during which it can run out of the crack, leaving voids that can allow leaks.

Using Carbon Fiber and Kevlar Staples
Structural cracks are serious issues that can lead to structural collapse or demolition. Yet, some contractors use bendable straps in the name of Kevlar Staples and carbon fiber staples and convince their customers that their concrete structure is secure.
These staples are brittle and break when bent by hand. You stick the bent metals into holes on your pool wall, apply epoxy where you will lay the staples, and literally glue it to the wall.
When the crack spreads and widens, these brittle, thin metal rods cannot prevent the epoxy from breaking away. Even worse, the holes are aligned vertically in a row alongside an existing crack, making the surrounding concrete less stable.
There’s only one method of structural crack repair that works.

Torque Lock vs. Other Structural Crack Repair Solutions
If you want a permanent solution to cracks, Torque Lock Structural Staples provide what every other method has failed to do—compression.
Other products mention their ability to handle stress when cracks move, but the only way to ensure a crack is fixed is by preventing it from moving at all. Compression is the direct resistance that prevents the crack from moving.
The Torque Lock Staple delivers up to 5000 lbs. of controlled compression on both sides of the crack, making it resistant to separation, shearing, or further movement that allows leaking or re-cracking.
Additionally, the staples are installed in 12-inch intervals. First, you install a 6-inch staple, then a 3-inch staple, and then repeat the process. Since the holes are not aligned in a row, there’s no potential for further cracking, and the surrounding concrete’s stability is not compromised.
The Torque Lock Staples and the installation method are patented. This means that Torque Lock Structural Staples are the only solution that can address your need to permanently repair structural cracks in your swimming pool wall, basement, or foundation. As if that is not enough, you can also use Torque Lock to repair corner cracks.
Visit the “Resources” page on our website to learn more about Torque Lock Structural Staples and how you can use them to fix cracks. Watch demonstration videos to see how it’s done, and if you have any questions, contact us at (818) 436-2953.

Corner Staples

Radius Staples

Flat Staples