Getting a crack stabilized means applying a solid compression to both sides of the crack. Applying proper compression means everything. Once that compression is applied at 12 inch intervals down the length of the crack, it’s not going to spread, widen or lengthen. The crack is stabilized and can be repaired permanently with hydraulic cement and the pool surface can be refinished.

Your Torque Lock Staple Kit comes with templates for laying out your staples properly. Make the mark for staple placement and drill the holes where the staple posts will be inserted. Contractors who have done this before will find it easy to drill holes with perfect alignment. Realistically, after you’ve done it once, you’ll have it down. However, drilling the holes for the staples can sometimes be off to one side by a hair, this isn’t an issue. Once the staple is inserted, and the off-set cam is inserted, you can rotate it into the hole and if necessary, tap it down gently using a hammer. You won’t cause any damage doing this.

We aim to have the hole in the cam set toward the inside, facing the long length of the staple. Regardless of it’s exact placement, torquing the staple 180 degrees is going to provide the compression that keeps cracks stabilized. Insert the staples, torque them to the prescribed pressure and prepare to finish over the pool surface. Your crack will be leak free and the pool will go back into service.

Learn more about proper installation and applying compression to cracks here: INSTRUCTIONS

If you have any questions about the job you’re working on, installing staples or placing orders, call 818-436-2953.