Kent is a homeowner located in Chino Hills, CA. After coming across our website, he called us to find out more about our Torque Lock Staples. Kent’s story is a great proof if you ever find yourself asking can homeowners do their own Torque Lock Repairs?

Can Homeowners Do Their Own Torque Lock Repairs?

Kent’s pool which is about 25 x 15 ft. and had a 40-foot-long structural crack. After noticing that it was leaking, he knew needed to stop the leak and do the repair. Two of Kent’s neighbors had used the Torque Lock system before and he saw how it worked for them. Kent was told the job will cost him about $10,000 but he was not going to spend all that money. As a retired and handy homeowner, Kent wanted to save some money and decided to do the repair on his own. This decision saved him about $8,000 and he only bought the equipment for the repair. Kent grew up on a farm and his dad gave him projects that helped him hone his handyman skills.

A Homeowner’s Tips For Torque Lock

When asked about the installation process, Kent said the chipping and drilling were hectic but not tough. He says it is important to mark the location of the cracks and the holes using the template to avoid losing where the cracks are located. He noticed that it was better for him to torque the staples right after applying the epoxy instead of waiting for it to dry. However, usually, there isn’t a preferred order of application. If epoxy gets on the cams, it is highly advised to torque the staples right then and there. The only complication Kent was having issues with is the epoxy application because of the summer heat. He got creative by placing the epoxy in a cold water bowl to allow him to do the job slowly and appropriately within the 6 minutes timeframe. Kent was very happy with the results and says any homeowner with a bit of time and skills can do the structural crack repair using the Torque Lock system. The whole process took him 40 to 45 hours and he was working by himself.

Torque Lock Structural Crack Repair System

One piece of advice we give after speaking with Kent is to do the structural crack repairs during downtime season. Avoiding summer heat will allow for an easier and smooth process and better setting times. For more information, visit our website or check out our YouTube channel for free demonstration videos.