Cracks happen, and we unfortunately were faced with one that was big enough to be a problem, and would have become a bigger one with a little more time. When going out for bids for the project – a large pool and deck, I really got confused from all the different things that people were telling me. One actually told me he’d just cement and paint over it. (Really?) Our contractor told us he saw you at the expo showed us your literature, it all made sense.
Why would we glue (epoxy inject) those cracks, he said, if we just insert your staples? Epoxy won’t guarantee zero movement! In the end, I have to say we made the right decision to use Torque Lock. It’s been a little over 2 years now and the staples have proven to be the fix we needed! Thank you for your marvelous idea. Our board members are all very, very happy and comfortable knowing this will not happen again! Really – THANK YOU!

Install Date
December 18th, 2015
Gary Reiner
Project Type
Apartment Complex
I wanted to send a big thank you for the solution we needed and for the support you gave our contractor on the job. After we took over the property 4 years ago, we had consistent pool issues and our contractor kept applying band-aids that simply didn’t work.
About 6 months after we redeveloped the building, the pool developed a major structural crack that the contractor tried to repair 3 times. It seemed that no matter what he tried, he just couldn’t get it done right. Then we found Torque Lock. (So glad I actually went online a did a search). It’s been 2 1⁄2 years now with no crack coming back – and from what we can see, it’s not coming back again. Period!
I wish you all the best with Torque Lock. You most definitely deserve it.
Thanks again!

Install Date
May 3rd, 2014
Cynthia (and Daniel) LaPierre
Project Type
Apartment Complex
We were initially told that there were too many cracks in our pool — that we needed to pay to demo our pool, which would have cost us well…. it would have really cost us.
We gave up for a while because we couldn’t come up with that much money. Luckily we came across your company when our neighbors used Torque Lock on their pool. They highly recommended the product to us – we’ve seen and been in their pool, we know why! Ironically, you have a perfect product that fixes structural cracks just like ours, and our contractor had no problems installing it, even though he told us this was his first time doing it.
We were amazed how efficiently the staples worked on our pool, and more so, at how it put that crack together. We honestly couldn’t believe that nothing would leak! Torque Lock really did everything it claimed it would! There are no more water leaks in pool that sat for a whole year – it’s literally like a brand new pool. We can finally enjoy swimming in our own home!
Thank you so much for your professionalism and remarkable products.

Installation Date
August 1st, 2016
Michael Kane
Project Type